Offers for women and children
During your stay, the staff will support you through counseling sessions. You can distance yourself from the abuse you have experienced, stabilize yourself and develop access to your strengths and abilities. In the longer term, you will be able to build a new perspective on life for yourself and your children.
We offer you:
- Confidentiality: we are bound by duty of confidentiality.
- Partial support and counseling to help you overcome the crisis situation and develop new life perspectives.
- Information about your rights and entitlements to benefits and help in dealing with authorities and applying for benefits.
- For the girls and boys, there are colleagues who make individual offers of support and encouragement for your children and to relieve your burden, in a partial and professional manner.
- Accompaniment and counseling with the help of language mediators/interpreters in your native language.
The staff at the Women's and Children's Shelter have experience in psychosocial counseling and support for women after domestic violence.
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