Quick help

If you are in acute danger

You always have the RIGHT to call the police for help for your protection:

Phone 110

The police can order the violent person out of your home for 10 days or help you to get yourself and your children to safety. (See the Protection against Violence Act)

The way to the women's shelter

You can call our number 02241/3226360 day and night.

If you are looking for a place in the women's shelter and we have free space, we will describe the way to us. For security reasons, the address of the women's shelter is specially protected. If we do not currently have a free place, you can get information about other women's shelters and other support options via the free help line: 08000116016 and on the Internet:


If you can prepare your departure

It is important for you to bring some things with you, if possible:

  • Identity cards or passports
  • Health insurance cards, vaccination card, yellow health care booklet
  • Birth certificates, marriage certificate, family register
  • benefit certificates, work papers
  • Child benefit number
  • Bank statements for the last three months
  • Urgently needed medication
  • School supplies for school children, grade reports
  • for babies possibly special food for a few days
  • clothes for 2-3 weeks
  • personal things from your home that are dear and valuable to you (photos, jewelry)

Some things you may be able to deposit with a trusted person beforehand, to pick up later.

If something is missing, we will assist you in getting it back.

The most important thing is your safety!

Who is our offer addressed to?

Our offer is aimed at women and their children who are affected or threatened by violence. Violence can take many different forms: physical, psychological, sexualized and economic violence, as well as stalking or forced marriage.

Women from the age of 18, with and without children.

Women with a tolerance permit need a confirmation from the municipality of origin to cover the costs.

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